Lawn Care Service in Bexley OH

Keep Your Grass Greener with Our Lawn Care Fertilizer

At Bio Green Ohio, we will provide communities in Bexley OH with a professional lawn fertilization service that uses Bio Green biologically sound and environmentally safe fertilizer products which will generate amazing results in look and growth and focus on the betterment of the environment one lawn at a time. In the past, residential and commercial property owners have had to choose between competing synthetic chemical fertilizer brands when choosing a professional lawn and landscape fertilization service. Bio Green has changed the landscape of this industry with our unique approach to lawn care service in Bexley OH.

Lawn Care with Child and Pet Friendly Fertilizer

With Bio Green, there is a nationally branded, effective and environmentally friendly fertilizer that is available to the public through professional lawn and landscape fertilization service providers. Bio Green's lawn care service replaces the leading fertilization services with a competitively priced and professionally applied lawn care product that is safe for the environment, children and pets.

Lawn Care that's Safe for Plants

Bio Green’s patent-pending lawn formula is made with a carefully chosen mix of liquid fertilizer, plant nutrients with soil amendments that are blended specifically for the nutritional needs of plants.

Our Lawn Care technology will bring your soil back to its natural state, balancing the pH and nutrients, while promoting a stronger root system and healthier top growth; the essentials for a rich, vibrant and healthy lawn. The use of our formula from year to year will encourage your root system to grow stronger and denser thus preventing weeds from emerging while making the lawn more drought resistant. A healthy plant, just like a healthy body, has a stronger immune system making it naturally resistant to diseases, insects and other pests.

Once a plant uses up the food it has stored in its system, it will draw nutrition from the soil. Since our lawn care product will feed and balance the soil, your lawn, landscape and gardens will receive the essential nutrients needed for maximum growth and blooming potential. Call our office of service professionals and get started on the road to a beautiful and healthy lawn in Bexley OH.

Grub Control

White Grubs are the larvae of June Beetles, which have a three year life cycle. In June, they lay their eggs in the soil and within weeks, the white grub emerges and feeds during the warm summer months, often causing extensive damage. They feed on grass, grass roots and garden crops. Food-seeking predators (such as moles, skunks, crows and blackbirds) often do further damage where grubs are present. Late summer or early fall is a great time to control these potentially devastating insects, catching them before they hibernate deep in the soil, preparing to destroy your lawn next year. STOP Grubs from destroying your lawn.




Flea and Tick Control

Got Fleas? Other insects in your lawn area?

The flea population is typically made up of 50% eggs, 30% larvae, 15% pupae and only 5% biting adults.

Fact: One female flea can lay about 18 eggs a day and just 20 fleas on a dog can produce 360 eggs per day and over 2000 eggs in a week.

Most fleas survive the winter in the larval or pupal stage and grow best during warm, moist winters and spring.

Consider treating your entire yard to protect those that are important to you. Insure that your family and pets can safely be in your lawn all season long. Our treatment has the same active ingredient as the flea and tick collar that you may be putting on your pet. Give us a call to find out more information or request a quote. (614) 764-2260




Liquid Lawn Aeration

Why do we recommend lawn aerations? The goal of aerating your lawn is to get more oxygen, water and nutrients into the root zone. Improving the aeration in the soil is extremely beneficial to lawns that are growing in clay or compacted soils.

BioGreen products are designed to infuse more O2 into the root zone via key nutrients and weak acids. This same principal works to release some of the soil’s Humus into humic acids as well. This method is a microscopic alkali extractive technique that removes salts and creates bonds that are oxygen centric. These microscopic soil interactions create billions of fractures and encourage greater rooting. The rooting becomes the macroscopic aerator and now we have greater pathways for air and water.

We have heard it numerous times from homeowner that their good topsoil was stripped off when their house was built, and they are having problems with their lawns health. The issue is that they were left with a denser clay or subsoil in which to grow their lawn. The soil needs to be improved and aerations helps.

Benefits of liquid aeration:

  • Creates billions of fractures and encourage greater rooting.
  • Covers the entire lawn unlike core aeration which pokes holes every 3-6 inches.
  • It can be done anytime during the growing season different than the mechanical core aeration which is only recommended during the spring or fall.
  • No holes are made, and no grass is removed.
  • No need to mark sprinkler heads, invisible fences or cable lines.




Natural Lawn Fertilization

At Bio Green Ohio, we will provide communities with a professional lawn fertilization service that uses Bio Green biologically sound and environmentally safe fertilizer products which will generate amazing results in look and growth and focus on the betterment of the environment one lawn at a time. In the past, residential and commercial property owners have had to choose between competing synthetic chemical fertilizer brands when choosing a professional lawn and landscape fertilization service. Bio Green has changed the landscape of this industry.

With Bio Green, there is a nationally branded, effective and environmentally friendly fertilizer that is available to the public through professional lawn and landscape fertilization service providers. Bio Green replaces the leading fertilization services with a competitively priced and professionally applied product that is safe for the environment, children and pets.

Bio Green’s patent-pending lawn formula is made with a carefully chosen mix of liquid fertilizer, plant nutrients with soil amendments that are blended specifically for the nutritional needs of plants.

This technology will bring your soil back to its natural state, balancing the pH and nutrients, while promoting a stronger root system and healthier top growth; the essentials for a rich, vibrant and healthy lawn. The use of our formula from year to year will encourage your root system to grow stronger and denser thus preventing weeds from emerging while making the lawn more drought resistant. A healthy plant, just like a healthy body, has a stronger immune system making it naturally resistant to diseases, insects and other pests.

Once a plant uses up the food it has stored in its system, it will draw nutrition from the soil. Since our product will feed and balance the soil, your lawn, landscape and gardens will receive the essential nutrients needed for maximum growth and blooming potential. Call our office of service professionals and get started on the road to a beautiful and healthy lawn.





Bio Green offers seeding as part of our lawn restoration service

Seeding is another important lawn care task, yet many homeowners do not know it. After 3-4 years, grass plants will slow down their productive rates. Re-seeding compensates for that natural slowdown of the turfs reproduction.

When should you seed? The best time to seed a lawn in Ohio is between August 15 and September 30th. Of course, every season is different, and this is a guide. Lawns seeded later in the fall may fail because the seedling turf has insufficient growth to survive the winter.

Why not Spring? The biggest reason we stay away from Spring is not to impact your pre-emergent schedule for weed control. Slit seeding breaks the barrier. Spring seedings are more susceptible to heavy infestations of summer annual weeds. Infestations of these summer annual weeds are greatly reduced in successful early fall seedings, since a good density develops before the weed seeds germinate the following Spring.

Bio Green Ohio offers three different seeding services.

  • Slit Seeding – This process cuts grooves into the soil and drops seeds in the grooves. This has a higher success rate than overseeding. Can be done anytime during the growing season if the homeowner can insure adequate water.
  • Over-seeding – The process is that seeds are dispersed on your lawn using a broadcast spreader. This process introduces new cultivars to help thicken your lawn. This is best done in conjunction with a core aeration allowing more seed to soil contact. Over-seeding is best done in the Spring or Fall if the homeowner can adequately water.
  • Dormant seeding – Dormant seeding is similar to overseeding, but it is done in late fall/winter when soil temperatures stay below germination activity(usually December). This process uses the freezing, thawing, and snow cover to work its way into the soil. The seeds will germinate in early spring when soil temperatures rise above germination temperatures. This is recommended for the busy homeowner who does not have the time to adequately water their lawn.

Dormant Seeding

Seeding is another important lawn care task, yet many homeowners do not know it. After 3-4 years, grass plants will slow down their productive rates. Re-seeding compensates for that natural slowdown of the turfs reproduction.

Dormant seeding is broadcasting seed over the targeted area when the soil temperatures will not go above germination levels (usually December). It uses the freezing, thawing and snow cover of the ground to pull the seeds into the soil so they will be available and ready when spring temperatures rise above germination levels. Spring also gives us enough rain so watering is at a minimum.

We offer this service for those who do not have the time to water their new seedlings as much as they need when starting out or who have missed the window for fall seeding.




Natural Weed Control

BioGreen Ohio uses BMP “Best Management Practice” when controlling weeds.

This means that we will use the least amount of herbicides to ensure your lawn is weed free but also minimizing the amount of herbicide put into the environment.

You will notice that over the course of the year your lawn will become thicker with our fertilizer which will help make it harder for any weed to germinate. Weed control is used on an “as needed bases” only every application.

Give us a call to find out more information or request a quote – (614) 764-2260.

Bio Green Natural Weed Control

Let’s face it, from time to time an unwelcome visitor camps out in your yard. Bio Green® has the tools and the expert advice to get your lawn and landscape weed and pest free. Bio Green’s® approach to lawn health and pest control differs in many ways from our competitors. We are committed to“redefining” the fertilization and pest control industry following these simple principles:

  1. See the big picture and the common thread
  2. Apply only what is needed when it is needed.
  3. Maintaining the soil food web is of the utmost importance
  4. Continue to research and develop ways to lower our chemical footprint
  5. Using natural products when available
  6. Find the source of the problem, don’t just treat the symptom

All Natural Weed Control Service Bio Green Ohio

Bio Green® Technicians are certified and licensed for outdoor weed control in their local areas. Every Bio Green® Licensees receives ongoing training and education in the advancements of diagnostic and treatment of lawn and ornamental pests as well as innovative ways to create a healthy environment for your landscape, before there is a problem.

By following Mother Nature’s cues, Bio Green® Techs can see what is happening in the soil by what is currently growing. Many weeds, bugs, and fungi have certain “Bio Mass” precursors; which allow for a pre-emptive approach to stopping infestations before they have reached a point of critical mass. Many of the issues faced, are dealt with through an array of nutrient supplementation to insure that when the pest is gone, the plant is healthy and ready to thrive. The key to having a pest free landscape is creating an environment in which your plants and soil thrive.

Residential Weed Control

The look of your lawn can determine the value of your home. As residential weed control experts, we only use natural products are both pet and child friendly (people friendly weed control). Rest assured that all the kids, pets and adults within the neighborhood will be be safe. Our natural herbicide will keep your lawns green and weed free. If you are interested in monthly all natural weed control services, then contact Bio Green Ohio! We happily serve all of Bexley!

Commercial Weed Control

As a lawn care and weed control specialist that operated using natural herbicides, we proudly provide weed control services to commercial lawns. Your commercial lawn is one of the first impressions of your business. If you want an all natural herbicide that is people friendly, then contact Bio Green Ohio for commercial weed control services in your area. We are happy to provide monthly services to all businesses within Bexley, Ohio.



Tree and Shrub Service in Bexley OH

Tree and shrub treatment in Bexley OH


Tree and Shrub: Eco-Friendly Fertilization in Bexley OH

Just like your lawn, proper nutrition is essential for your trees and shrubs. Resistance to drought, disease and severe weather are significantly increased if your tree is healthy and strong. Our service professionals apply Bio Green Complete Landscape Nutrition™ directly onto the trunk of the tree, covering the bark of the tree thoroughly. This allows the tree to absorb essential nutrients immediately. For younger trees the spray will be a bit lighter. Typically a few applications will generate amazing results on any tree, regardless of the size, age or species. Our eco friendly tree and shrub treatments will keep your plants blossoming all season long!

Tree and Shrub: Cold Season in Bexley OH

In colder climates where the tree enters into a dormant period and can even freeze solid, an early spring application is needed to help jump start your trees growth for the season ahead. While the fall application helps your tree store energy and nutrition for the cold winter months. In warmer climates, it is essential to provide the tree with all the essential nutrients throughout the year. Your Bio Green Tree and Shrub service professional will determine the necessary nutritional recommendations for your area. If you want tree and shrub service that will keep your plants healthy throughout the fall and winter, then schedule service in Bexley OH today!

Tree and Shrub: Shrubs in Bexley OH

Your shrubs need nutrition too! Feeding them Bio Green’s Complete Landscape Nutrition™ along with your lawn and trees will provide the proper nutrition for your entire landscape. Providing the proper nutrients to your shrubs on a regular schedule will result in dense and full shrubs. If you are in need of Tree and Shrub service in Bexley, then schedule and appointment now.

Tree and Shrub: Flowers in Bexley OH

Bio Green works just as well on ornamental flowers as it does on your lawn, trees and shrubs. All plants need the same basic essential nutrients to grow. Bio Green provides these nutrients in a gentle and safe formula that will not harm or “burn” your delicate flowering plants. Proper nutrition and balance in the soil can make the difference between a beautiful flower and one that is worthy of being in a bouquet. (Please note that we do not spray directly on the flowers themselves, just around the base of the plant to protect the delicate petals). Schedule your Tree and Shrub service in Bexley OH now!


Insect Control

With our integrated program, each round is targeted towards a specific family of pests. Different pests require different timing and products to successfully control. We carefully match each round and timing to target the specific season and weather conditions for every year.

Pests that are targeted, but not inclusive include:

Aphids, Mites, Scale, Tent Caterpillars, European Pine Sawfly, Bagworms, Japanese Beetles, Mitesagworms, Japanese Beetles, Fall Webworms, Aphids, Mites, Scale, Leaf Bugs, Leaf Miners, etc.

Trees and shrubs that are recommended for care throughout the growing season include:

Most landscape plants including burning bush, euonymus, magnolia, maples, conifers (excluding blue spruce), ornamental cherries, apples, crabapples, plums, ash, willow,oak, maple, hawthorn, mugo pines, junipers, arbor vitaes, pines, junipers, sandcherries, hostas, Japanese maples, pines, junipers, sand cherries, hostas, ornamental fruit trees, Japanese maples.


Disease Control for Your Trees and Shrubs

Take care of your investment! The value of your property and curb appeal is based on a lush landscape which include your trees and shrubs. You want your landscape to looks its very best!

Call on Bio Green Ohio, your tree and shrub expert, licensed technicians when you see any signs of something not looking just right with any of your trees and shrubs. This could include discoloration, a dead portion, leaves falling off, etc.

Tree and shrub diseases appear at different times in the seasons and change under different weather conditions. When you sign up for a preventative program, we carefully match each round, product, and timing to target the specific time of season and weather conditions for the year.

Most common tree and shrub diseases for our Ohio area include:

  • Anthracnose
  • Dutch Elm disease
  • Phytophthora root rot
  • wood decay
  • Oak wilt
  • Needlecast
  • Verticillium wilt
  • Pinewood nematode
  • Iron and maganese chlorosis

Trees and shrubs that are recommended for care throughout the growing season include:

Most landscape plants including burning bush, euonymus, magnolia, maples, conifers, ornamental cherries, apples, crabapples, plums, ash, willow,oak, maple, hawthorn, mugo pines, junipers, arbor vitaes, pines, junipers, sandcherries, hostas, Japanese maples, pines, junipers, sand cherries, hostas, ornamental fruit trees, Japanese maples